Grants help 120 youths attend acting camps
Scholarships help low-income children take classes at Zachary Scott Theatre Center.
By Huong Le
Tuesday, July 31, 2007
Acting helps boost Bria Robinson's confidence. Studying comedy helps George Nash overcome his shyness. Isabella Bastidas doesn't really know why she loves acting.
"That's still a mystery to me, but I love playing around and seeing if people would like it on stage," said Isabella, 11.
The three are among 120 students who have been awarded scholarships to attend after-school programs and summer camps at Zachary Scott Theatre Center's performing arts school in Austin. The scholarships target children from low-income households and are supported by a $25,000 grant from the AT&T Foundation, which announced the awards Monday.
"I believe that the basic right for all children is the need to express themselves, whether through writing or acting," said Tina Gramann, the theater's director of education.
Students can use the scholarships to attend theatrical classes, workshops and camps at Zachary Scott, where they can learn about comedy improvisation and film acting and perform in Shakespearean plays.
Zachary Scott has been in Austin since 1933 and serves about 60,000 students a year. A semesterlong class costs $275 to $300; a weeklong camp costs about $250.
Bria, 12, who is attending a Shakespeare camp, said she likes acting because it allows her to be another person. George's mother, Joann Cain, said the 11-year-old has attended the theater's programs since age 5.
"It really keeps him occupied. He's definitely not shy now, and that carries over in school," Cain said.; 445-3601

Hello my name is william and I an 13 years old.I have heard of your performing arts school, And Ithink its a great thing you are doing to help children with low income attend performing arts school. I really wish i was in texas right now, Becausse I too am a low income student, who really, reall wants to attengd performing arts school.acting is like , the best thing in the whole world, from my veiw. I have been joining local groups in my city in which I used to live, the city of Atlantic city, and ithink im ready for pursuing my dream whole entire life, my 13 years i have been living, My mom has been struggling and sacrificing every thing for me and my two sisters. My mother made it to coolege but then she dropped out be cause she said the work was "Too Hard", but I want to show her that work dosent always have to be hard , and that you dont have to be a rock in the road and stepped on all your life. I want to succeed, Not only for my mother, but for my family. WE are still a low-income family, and now since my sister now has two children, and my mother has no job, and my father is no longer living with us, my mother can not support me for my attending of performance arts school.Now, I dont want to sound like Im some kind of a begger but I an just trying to pursue my acting career while im young, so please, if Zachary Scott Theatre Center can help me pursue my dream, please e-mail me at, thank you.Keep what you are doing strong!